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Monreale Cathedral was built from 1174 to 1185.
It was commissioned by William II (1154-89), the Norman ruler of Sicily,
who wished to demonstrate the magnificence of his kingdom and outdo the splendid Palatine Chapel built by his grandfather, Roger II.
The project employed both Sicilian and Byzantine craftsmen.




Christ Pantocrator ("Ruler of All") gestures in blessing and gazes serenely off to one side.
The Greek inscription reads, "Jesus Christ, the Pantocrator."

Populating the rest of the apse are standing saints and apostles.
Old Testament stories are depicted in the nave, while scenes from the life of Christ adorn the aisles and transept.
Mosaicwork appears on some of the columns as well.
The craftsmen who worked in the cloister came from all over southern Italy.


William II  Norman King of Sicily


Dating from the 12th and 13th centuries,
the golden mosaics completely cover the walls of the nave, aisles, transept and apse
- amounting to 68,220 square feet in total.
The mosaic cycle is second only to the Hagia Sofia in size, and much better preserved.